Category - Credentialing & licensing

Category - Credentialing & licensing

Applying for a National Provider Identifier number

June 29th, 2022 The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique, government-issued, standard identification number for individual providers and healthcare organizations.
Category - Credentialing & licensing

Obtaining DEA registration

April 13th, 2022 Every physician who administers, prescribes, or dispenses any controlled substance must be registered with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). When you complete your training, you must obtain your own individual DEA registration. You will also need your own registration if you moonlight while still a resident.
Category - Credentialing & licensing

How to get a state medical license

June 16th, 2021 Getting a state medical license can be complicated. This helpful guide will help make obtaining your medical license faster and easier.